Revenue Share is now live! Enroll to earn 50% of Hord fees

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How to Claim Revenue Share at Hord

  1. Visit Hord's App: Head over to Hord's app and connect your wallet.

  2. Eligibility: Make sure you hold more than 2500 HORD tokens in your wallet. Both Arbitrum-based and ETH-based HORD tokens are accepted.

  3. Access Revenue Share: Click on the "Revenue Share" button located at the bottom right of the app.
  1. Check Your Share: You’ll see the amount of the airdrop and "My Share," which is the number of HORD tokens you'll receive. This number grows daily as you hold more tokens.
  1. Automatic Airdrop: The airdrop will occur automatically after you've connected your wallet and participated in the current "round" of revenue share. Rounds are semi annual with airdrops occurring on July 1st & Jan 1st.

By holding more HORD tokens and participating in the revenue share, you can increase your share of Hord's revenue!