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Hord Launches Governance Proposal to Implement Revenue Share

Jon Ganor
Jon Ganor
Hord Launches Governance Proposal to Implement Revenue Share
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  • Hord has released a new governance RFC for revenue share implementation.
  • 50% of Hord's platform income will be allocated to revenue share.
  • The allocated funds will be used to buy back HORD tokens, which will then be distributed as revenue share.
  • The revenue-sharing proposal is open for discussion and voting for a period of 10 days on Hord's governance forum.

A Deep Dive into Hord’s Revenue Share Proposal

Hord has unveiled its latest governance RFC on the implementation of revenue share. This proposal outlines the allocation of 50% of Hord's platform income towards revenue share. These funds will be used to buy back HORD tokens, which will then be distributed as revenue share. 

You can view and discuss the Implementation of the Revenue-Sharing proposal on Hord’s governance forum. The discussion and voting will take place over a 10-day period, as highlighted in Hord’s governance constitution. Be sure to make your voice heard!

The proposal highlights the staking feature, which allows HORD token holders to stake their tokens in the revenue share protocol via perpetual staking platforms on the Hord platform. Token holders who stake their HORD tokens will earn a share of 50% of the income generated by validators. 

In terms of withdrawals, users will be able to claim their share of the revenue share protocol earnings periodically. The frequency of the withdrawals is yet to be determined. However, Hord assures its users of flexibility, as they can unstake their HORD tokens at any time and will keep whatever they earn until that time. 

This governance proposal is a significant milestone for Hord, as it demonstrates its commitment to transparency and fairness. The implementation of revenue share will not only benefit Hord's users but also the platform's growth and sustainability. 

How Governance Works at Hord

Hord has a Token Weighted Voting system where the voting power of each token holder is determined by the number of tokens they hold. The more tokens a holder has, the more voting power they possess. 

This formula assigns voting power according to the following calculation:

Voting Power = Total Tokens Held / Total Token Supply

1 HORD = 1 vote. For example, if a token holder holds 100 tokens and the total token supply is 1,000, then their voting power would be 10%.

You can participate in the voting process here





