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Staking Small Amounts in Ethereum

Jon Ganor
Jon Ganor
Staking Small Amounts in Ethereum
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  • Ethereum has the highest minimum stake required to launch and operate a node among PoS cryptocurrencies.
  • Minimum deposit amounts for staking on Ethereum vary depending on the staking method and the platform being used.
  • Small stakers may face high gas costs associated with staking on Ethereum
  • Hord is a liquid ETH staking platform with no minimum staking requirements and high annual percentage rates.


Proof-of-stake or PoS has become a popular alternative to proof-of-work consensus mechanisms due to its energy efficiency and scalability benefits.

Different cryptocurrencies have different staking requirements and implement proof-of-stake in slightly different methods. Due to the sheer number of cryptocurrencies that have implemented PoS, we will focus on Ethereum, the most popular PoS cryptocurrency.

Since Ethereum switched to PoS, some have criticized the high minimum stake required to launch and operate a node. To solo stake on Ethereum, there is a 32 ETH requirement. In current market conditions, 32 ETH is equivalent to over $50,000 US Dollars making staking inaccessible to many. 

As a result, new staking methods with lower requirements have emerged.

Different ETH Staking Methods

Crypto staking is a process where users hold and lock a certain amount of cryptocurrency to support the security and operations of a proof-of-stake blockchain network. In exchange, stakers receive rewards in the form of additional cryptocurrency. As the popularity of proof-of-stake blockchains grows, so does the number of staking methods available to users. 

For Ethereum, there are four primary staking methods available: solo staking, staking as a service (SaaS), liquid staking, and staking on an exchange. Solo staking is the most decentralized option, requiring users to set up their own node and manage it themselves. This method gives users complete control over their funds and the staking process, but it also requires technical expertise and the ability to maintain a secure node.

Staking as a service involves setting up your own node and paying a monthly fee for a platform to operate it for you. This method is less decentralized than solo staking, but it is more accessible to users who don't have the technical skills or resources to run their own node. 

Liquid staking is another option, where users stake via a staking pool and receive a "liquid" token that mirrors their stake and rewards. This allows users to use their stake for other purposes, such as trading or borrowing, while still receiving staking rewards. 

Finally, staking on an exchange or centralized exchange or CEX is similar to liquid staking, as most exchanges now give stakers a liquid token. The key difference is that the platform behind the staking pool is an exchange. This fact may pose centralization risks and require users to trust the exchange with their funds.

What are the Minimum Deposit Amounts in Staking? 

With solo staking and SaaS, the minimum deposit amount required is usually quite high, often around 32 ETH. This is because these methods require users to set up their own node and manage it themselves, which can be a complex and resource-intensive process.

On the other hand, liquid staking and staking on a centralized exchange tend to have much lower minimum deposit requirements, often as low as 0.1 ETH. This is because these methods involve staking through a staking pool, which aggregates the staking power of multiple users and allows for smaller deposits. 

It is important to note that the minimum deposit amounts for Ethereum staking may vary depending on the staking method and the platform being used. As such, it is important for users to do their research and choose a staking method that best suits their needs and budget. 

Staking ETH at Hord

Hord is a liquid ETH staking platform that offers the highest APRs and has no minimum staking requirements. This makes it an attractive option for those looking to stake small amounts of ETH and earn rewards. Hord's platform is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to all, making it a popular choice for stakers.

Is Staking a Small Amount Worth It? 

One of the main challenges for small stakers is the high gas costs associated with staking on Ethereum. These costs can eat into the rewards earned, making staking less economical for those with smaller holdings. However, there are ways to mitigate these costs. Staking during periods of low network activity can reduce gas requirements and make staking more affordable for small stakers.

Despite the challenges, staking can still be a worthwhile option for those with small amounts of cryptocurrency. Staking rewards typically range between 3-5% on the amount staked, which can add up over time. Additionally, some staking platforms offer rewards in the form of tokens that can be traded or used for other purposes, further adding to the potential return on investment.

A small amount tends to vary from person to person and their financial situation. Generally, any amount over 0.13 ETH or $200 should be enough to generate profits, albeit that also depends on the length of staking time. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to stake a small amount of cryptocurrency depends on an individual's goals and risk tolerance.

The Risks of Staking

While staking can be a profitable way to earn rewards on cryptocurrency holdings, it is important to be aware of the potential risks involved. One of the main risks of staking is the possibility of losing funds due to hacks, technical issues, or other unforeseen circumstances.

Solo staking, where users set up and manage their own node, carries the most risk as it requires technical expertise and the ability to maintain a secure node. Staking as a service or SaaS and liquid staking platforms offer more user-friendly options but still carry some risk, as users must trust the platform to operate their node and manage their funds.

Staking on an exchange poses additional risks, as users must trust the exchange with their funds and there is the potential for centralization and hacking risks. Additionally, staking on an exchange can lead to a lack of control over the staking process and rewards.


Staking small amounts on Ethereum is possible through exchanges and liquid staking platforms like Hord. However, it's important to consider gas fees and potential risks before staking. Proper research and due diligence can help minimize risks and ensure a positive staking experience.






