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What are MEV rewards?

Jon Ganor
Jon Ganor
What are MEV rewards?
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  • Ethereum's transition to Proof of Stake marked a significant milestone, enabling users to participate in staking and earn an APR on their locked ETH.

  • MEV strategies include frontrunning, backrunning, and sandwich attacks, exploiting price discrepancies and transaction sequencing to maximize profits.
  • Hord employs MEV strategies to boost the APR for stakers, typically offering a higher APR compared to other platforms in the market.
  • The future of MEV is closely tied to Ethereum's evolution. Unless significant changes are made to the proof-of-stake consensus algorithm, MEV will likely persist and grow in popularity.

  • While solutions are being explored to address MEV, completely eradicating it remains uncertain, emphasizing the need for ongoing efforts to balance network security and mitigate its adverse effects.

An Introduction to MEV

Ethereum's transition to Proof of Stake marked a significant milestone in the evolution of the blockchain network with many key changes and benefits. 

One notable advantage is the ability for users to participate in staking, where they lock up their ETH as collateral to validate transactions and secure the network. Stakers are rewarded with additional ETH for their participation, effectively earning an annual percentage rate or APR on their staked assets.

The move to PoS has also opened up new opportunities for stakers to employ various strategies to maximize their returns. One such strategy is known as Maximum Extractable Value or MEV. 

What is MEV?

MEV refers to the potential profit that stakers or validators can extract from the order execution sequence in a blockchain network. MEV arises due to blockchain transactions' inherent transparency and determinism. This allows stakers to observe and selectively include or exclude transactions based on their financial benefit. This phenomenon has gained significant attention recently, particularly in Ethereum and other decentralized smart contract blockchains.

MEV is rooted in the nature of blockchain order execution, which follows a predetermined sequence based on the transaction fee or gas price offered. Stakers have the power to prioritize transactions, enabling them to include or reorder transactions to maximize their own profits. This ability stems from their control over block creation and transaction ordering.

MEV can be harnessed through various strategies, including frontrunning, backrunning, and sandwich attacks. 

The impact of MEV extends beyond financial gain. It introduces concerns related to fairness, market manipulation, and the overall stability of the blockchain network. MEV can affect DApps, DeFi protocols, and other blockchain-based systems, potentially leading to arbitrage opportunities and altering the intended outcomes of transactions.

To address the challenges associated with MEV, the Ethereum community, and other blockchain projects have been exploring various solutions. These include the implementation of MEV-aware transaction ordering mechanisms. This includes on-chain auctions for transaction priority and the integration of specialized MEV-focused protocols.

How Does MEV Work? 

To understand how MEV works, we must delve into the intricacies of transaction ordering and the mechanics of blockchain consensus.

MEV is a consequence of the transparency and determinism of blockchain transactions. When a user submits a transaction, it enters a mempool where stakers collect and order pending transactions based on transaction fees or gas prices. Stakers have the authority to include or exclude transactions in a block, enabling them to selectively prioritize transactions for their own financial benefit.

Frontrunning MEV

Stakers engage in sophisticated strategies to exploit MEV opportunities. One such strategy is frontrunning, where stakers observe pending transactions and strategically place their own transactions ahead of them. Doing so allows them to take advantage of price discrepancies or execute trades before the original transaction is processed. Frontrunning allows stakers to profit from the price impact caused by the subsequent execution of the original transaction.

Backrunning MEV

Another strategy is backrunning, which involves copying profitable transactions and placing them within the same block. This allows stakers to benefit from the same opportunity as the original sender of the transaction. Backrunning enables stakers to capitalize on lucrative trades without initiating the transaction themselves.

Sandwich Attack MEV

Additionally, sandwich attacks are another MEV strategy. In a sandwich attack, stakers strategically place buy and sell orders around a targeted transaction. By manipulating the transaction's execution price, stakers can profit from the price movement caused by their own transactions.

What are MEV Searchers?

MEV Searchers sometimes referred to as “flashbots” play a crucial role in the ecosystem of MEV extraction within blockchain networks. As the name suggests, MEV Searchers are specialized software or algorithms that actively seek out and identify profitable opportunities for stakers.

MEV Searchers monitor the mempool, where pending transactions accumulate, and analyze the data. They then identify specific transaction sequences or patterns that present exploitable opportunities. These patterns may include arbitrage opportunities, liquidations, token swaps, or other types of trades that can yield significant profits.

To effectively identify and extract MEV, MEV Searchers rely on various techniques. This can include monitoring blockchain transactions, analyzing blockchain data, and employing complex algorithms. They continuously scan the mempool for new transactions, assess the profitability of potential trades, and provide actionable information to stakers.

MEV Searchers operate in a highly competitive environment, as multiple parties may be vying to identify and extract the same MEV opportunities. Consequently, they employ sophisticated strategies to gain an edge over their competitors. This includes prioritizing high-value transactions, leveraging advanced algorithms for real-time analysis, and optimizing network latency to submit transactions at the most opportune moments.

The role of MEV Searchers has gained prominence recently. They have become an integral part of the MEV ecosystem, where stakers collaborate with MEV Searchers to extract maximum value from transaction ordering.

However, the presence of MEV Searchers also raises concerns regarding fairness, transparency, and overall market integrity within blockchains. 

Pros and Cons of MEV

One of the notable advantages of MEV is its potential to incentivize stakers, encouraging them to prioritize certain transactions over others based on financial gains. This economic motivation can enhance network security by attracting more participants and ensuring a robust consensus mechanism.

Moreover, MEV enables liquidity providers and traders to capitalize on market inefficiencies, arbitrage opportunities, and front-running techniques. This can result in increased market liquidity, improved price efficiency, and reduced spreads, benefiting participants in DEXs and other financial protocols.

On the flip side, MEV presents several challenges and concerns. First, it can introduce unfair advantages for specific market participants, allowing them to exploit their position and extract value at the expense of others. This can erode trust and hinder the goal of creating a fair and transparent financial system.

Another drawback of MEV is the potential for negative externalities, such as increased transaction fees or gas prices. The competition to include profitable transactions can escalate fees and make it costlier for regular users to interact with the blockchain. This can undermine accessibility and hinder the vision of inclusive and affordable decentralized systems.

Furthermore, MEV exacerbates the risk of front-running, where malicious actors intercept and manipulate transactions to their advantage. This can lead to compromised security, loss of user funds, and decreased confidence in decentralized applications.

Hord and MEV

Hord leverages the concept of MEV to enhance the APR for stakers on its platform. Hord's utilization of MEV techniques allows them to maximize the rewards for stakers, offering an APR that sometimes is nearly double that of other platforms.

By capitalizing on MEV, Hord demonstrates its innovative approach to optimizing yield and ensuring that stakers can benefit from a robust APR that outperforms many other platforms in the market. Hord's integration of MEV strategies boosts the potential rewards for stakers and showcases the platform's commitment to exploring innovative mechanisms. 

As the landscape of liquid staking and MEV strategies continues to evolve, Hord's utilization of MEV positions it at the forefront of the LSD sector. 

Final Thoughts

The future of MEV is intricately tied to the evolution of blockchain networks, particularly Ethereum. Unless significant changes are made to Ethereum's proof-of-stake consensus algorithm, MEV will likely persist and grow in popularity.

While Ethereum's development community actively explores solutions to tackle MEV, such as fee market reforms and MEV extraction frameworks, the likelihood of completely eradicating MEV remains uncertain. MEV is deeply intertwined with the incentives and behaviors of network participants, making it challenging to eliminate entirely.

Ultimately, the future of MEV hinges on the Ethereum community's ability to address its underlying causes and design solutions that balance maintaining the network's security while mitigating the adverse effects.