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Genesis Program

Unlock Your Share of $HORD by Completing Different Tasks with Hord’s Genesis Program

Participate, Contribute, Earn. Be part of the $HORD token giveaway

How it Works

Galxe Hosting


Discover Genesis missions and view the leaderboard on Galxe.

Task Points


Earn points by performing a variety of Hord related tasks.

Climb the Ranks


Track your ranking on Galxe. Don’t miss an opportunity to earn points.

Universal Rewards


Every participant is a winner! Start earning today to collect rewards.


What is ETH Staking?

ETH staking is the act of locking ETH to help secure the Ethereum blockchain. Participants secure the network and, in return, earn rewards.

Why stake ETH with Hord?

There’s a minimum of 32 ETH and basic technical knowledge required to stake ETH. Staking with Hord greatly simplifies the process, while offering no minimum deposits.

What is hETH?

The hETH token represents Hord's entire ETH staking pool. hETH is expected to increase in value in relation to ETH as validator rewards are added to the pool.

How can I redeem my ETH?

To redeem your ETH from Hord, you have two options:
You can initiate a withdrawal of your ETH by submitting a request through the Hord app. For faster access to your ETH, you can swap your hETH tokens for ETH directly on Uniswap.

How does Hord compare with Lido and others?

We offer lower fees than most other Liquid Staking Pools while maintaining a simple user experience and no minimums. With Lido controlling a large portion of all ETH staked, there’s a continuous need for additional staking pools to ensure Ethereum remains decentralized and robust.

How is the APR calculated?

Hord’s APR represents the average return users can expect over the course of a year based on a rolling 7-day average. APR can fluctuate due to reward rate, MEV, and boosted HORD rewards.

What happens to the staked ETH?

Staked ETH powers the Ethereum blockchain by running validators. ETH is locked while powering a validator but is released when it is exited.